November Workday

October Workday, Bulbs and the Strongest Hill Moms Garden

Noticeably absent was an October workday post, my deepest apologies. October and April seem to be the busiest months of the year. We planted some great winter greens free from Sustainable Food Center. These winter greens included kolrabi, swiss chard, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, mouth waters at the deliciousness these would have cooked up. Unfortunately, they lasted approximately 3-4 days (crying). I was not the only being dreaming of the taste of dark green leafy greens and their great health benefits. A doe and her fawns were too and made a buffet dinner.

Here is a picture of some of the pre-eaten greens (still crying).

To garden is to be persistent, so at our November workday we planted again. This time we planted bulbs specifically, onions, garlic, and daffodlis. This late in the fall season bulbs are a great outdoor planting. There is not enough time for many common garden vegetables to establish themselves before the first frost. Which looks like is happening tonight!

These bulbs are safe and snug in their blanket of dirt.

Other bulb plants you can try planting at home are Narcissus Ziva, Dutch Iris, Snowbells, Tulips, Grape Hyacinth, and other hyacinths per Central Texas Gardener. For more November to-dos, visit their website here.

Our November workday was super productive! Apparently, two of the strongest Hill Moms work in the Hill Garden (unknown to them). Us moms drove a number of fence posts into the Hill rocky dirt and repaired the beginnings of our pallet fence. Two cheers for Hill moms, especially the strong, gardening ones!

Next workday we should be continuing with the pallet fence and a bit of weeding. Sound like fun? See you next workday in the garden, December, 14th, 2019, 10-12 pm! 

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