September Workday

Gardening Babies and Lost Dillo Dads
Another scorcher with weather announcers telling us we are in severe drought and 50 days above 100 degrees this summer. But you know what? Always look to the brightside, most weeds can't take the weather either!

The scorching hot weather didn't stop Hill's gardening team. It didn't even prevent new people from coming out to have fun in the garden, even a baby!


These guys helped tremendously by pulling weeds from 2 gardening beds. This gets us ready to plant at the next workday.

Some of you may know of our battle with the neighborhood deer. I'm sure they don't feel they are battling, but simply exercising (over the garden fence) before snack time (for our tasty veggies). Coach Schafer researched and learned that it is harder for deer to jump two fences that are a few feet apart. Hence our makeshift fence last year. This year I did a bit of research myself and brainstormed a living fence idea. We are reusing pallets to build the first fence. Once built, we will be planting (deer resistant) plants.

As Coach Schafer and I were starting this fence building adventure Saturday morning, a lost and late Dillo Dad showed up and started helping us out instead. Cuz, Dillos help other Dillos, awe. Thanks Dillo Dad Josh!

After nailing together quite a few pallets and pulling a lot of weeks, the September 2019 gardening team ended the morning hot, sweaty, and dare I say happy.

Next workday we should be planting and my be doing a bit of painting. Sound like fun, see you next workday in the garden, October, 12th, 2019!
